Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Redundant Government Programs

"A new report found that the U.S. spends more than $5 billion on redundant government programs. Another report found that the U.S. spends more than $5 billion on redundant government programs." –Jimmy Fallon


  1. ha ha ha.. indeed! But Lloyd my man . how can you "trust" these reports since the same government that you don't trust for other reports did these reports?

    Do youse guys just pick and choose what reports you like or not and the ones you don't like you say we can't trust the govt?

    I mean Lloyd. You guys say that the CBO analysis of ObamaCare is dishonest but you take the same CBO's data bout the deficit and debt as gospel.

    How come their data about the deficit/debt is not as bad/wrong as their data about ObamaCare?
