Sacked embassies, staggering budget deficits, and record unemployment pale in terms of the issues American’s really care about – like their burgers. And the debate between East Coast favorite Five Guys and West Coast legend In-and-On has raged for the past several years since Five Guys gained national prominence. Looks like, in both the popular vote and the Electoral College, Five Guys is the winner.
Personally, still being a West Coaster at heart, I’m an In-and-Out guy (as indicated by the three In-and-Out t-shirts I own) and so I’m a little disappointed by the results. And I’d probably prefer Chick-Fil-A to either (for both taste and political reasons). That said, I’m quite proud of the local boys being best in the land. Congratulations!
PS – Hey, Five Guys, send me a t-shirt.
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