Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Romney Wins VA — With 5% Voter Turnout

Can you believe that only 5% of registered voters turned out to vote in a presidential primary?

Granted, only one party had a candidate to elect, and there wasn’t much of a contest there, but still five percent?! Even if the state were divided 50-50 Dems and Reps and all the Dems stayed home, that still means that only 10 percent of Republicans came out. Regardless, it was drastically lower than in years past.

Locally, the turnout was also around five percent and Mitt Romney rolled as expected, garnering 10,807 votes in a county with more than 176,000 voters. In my precinct, there was a whopping 179 votes cast. It must have been a long, boring day for the poor poll workers. They must have felt like the Maytag repair man. Or Dave Albo.

As much as I like low voter turnout, I’m still a bit surprised, if not somehow troubled, about this. Ahh. I’ll get over it. After all, I did pick the winner.

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